Important Instructions for CBSE Board Exam Maths
Important Instructions for CBSE Board Exam Maths
Dear students
Read the following points carefully.

1.Utilise reading time of 15 minutes to make proper plan to attempt the paper.
2.Draw the diagram with pencil wherever it is required but don’t write solution with pencil.
3.Attempt the paper neatly .Draw the left & right margin on every page. Use right side margin to do the rough work.
4.In question number 1 to 20 write only correct option as well as answer.
For example
If answer of question 1 option C ie 5cm² then it should be written like
1 (C ) 5cm²
Option as well as answer should be written clearly.
You may solve the MCQ’s in rough work/orally/ using short cut technique.
5.Try to attempt the paper in serial order otherwise it is not mandatory.
6.Attempt the question related to graph on the graph sheet attached in between the main sheet.
Don’t write your name and roll number on the graph sheet
7.In case you are stuck in any question , leave a space for it and continue with the next question and try to attempt that at the end.
8.Do time management for attempting the paper.
Try to attempt questions 1 to 20 in less than 40min.
Keep last 15min. for revision if possible.
Best wishes for exam 💐💐