Top 10 Mathematicians in INDIA
Top 10 Mathematicians in INDIA
Without any hesitation the contributions made by several Indian mathematicians have been found to be of excellent value to the global community today. Introduction of decimal system and the discovery of zero are some of the significant offerings made by them. Dating back from the Vedas and Indus Valley civilization, you can find that there are several famous Indian mathematicians who have created a revolution in the development of Indian mathematics. This has ultimately led to the development of mathematics of modern times as well. Here are the details of top ten mathematicians in India who are remembered even today for their important contributions towards mathematics. They include:
1. Aryabhata

Aryabhata is a famous Indian mathematician. He was born in the year 476 A.D in Kusumpur in India. He lived up to 550 A.D. He developed the system of place value with the help of letters to indicate numbers and stating qualities. The position of planets revolving round the sun was discovered by him for the first time. According to him, the correct number of days in a year is said to be 365. Being the first Indian Mathematician, he revealed that earth is spherical in shape and revolves around the sun.
2. Brahma Gupta

Brahma Gupta : The birth of Brahma Gupta took place in Pakistan, which was then a part of India, in the year 598 A.D. The introduction of zero (0) to the mathematics world was first and the most important contribution made by him. The revealed that the value of zero stands at nothing. The other important contributions made to mathematics by Brahma Gupta included the four methods of multiplication. He introduced the formula used in General progression series as a +ar+ar²+ar³+….. +ar^n-1= (ar^n-1) ÷ (r-1)
He introduced the following formulae for the first time like:
Area of a cyclic quadrilateral with sides a, b, c, d= square root of (s-a)(s-b)(s-c)(s-d) where 2s= a+b+c+d
3. Srinivasa Ramanujan

Srinivasa Ramanujan belongs to a small village of Tanjore district in Tamilnadu, Srinivasa Ramanujan was born on the 22nd day of December 1987. He is one of the celebrities of Indian Mathematicians. Even though he suffered a setback in his early studies like he failed to pass the English language in his Intermediate, his self study in the field of mathematics continued effortlessly. He developed a group of 120 theorems and presented them to the Cambridge University Professor named Hardy. With this development, Ramunjan found an opportunity to visit England. Ramanujan’s work in Mathematics expressed that big numbers can be written as a sum of not more than four prime numbers. Besides this, he revealed how it is possible to divide the number into two or more squares and cubes. Once a man named Mr Littlewood came to see Mr. Ramanujan in a taxi bearing its number plate as 1729. Ramanujan stated that the number 1729 is the smallest number that can be written in the form of sum of the cubes of two numbers in two methods. They are 1729=93+103=13+123. From then onwards, the number 1729 was called as Ramanujan’s number.
4. Bhāskara I

Bhāskara I was considered as a 7th-century Indian mathematician. He was born in 600 A.D in Paribani District. He was the first man to write numbers in the Hindu decimal system with a circle for the zero. He died in 680 AD.
5. Bhaskara II

Bhaskara II Bhaskara, also known as Bhaskaracharya was born in a village named Bijapur, in Mysore District, in the year 1114 and died in the year 1185. His birth place is in modern Karnataka. He was an Indian astronomer and a great Mathematician. He made important contributions towards mathematics and astronomy during the twelfth century. He has written a book under the name Bija ganita. He was the first Indian Mathematician to reveal that any number divided by zero will give infinity. He has also written his contributions about permutation and combination, surds and zero. He has revealed in his book on Mathematics that the hundredth part of the circumference of a circle appears to be straight. Further, he has written that earth is in the form of a big sphere and hence, it looks flat. He has shown that sin(A ± B) = sinA. cosB ± cosA.sinB. Siddhanta Siromani is a book written by this famous mathematician.
6. C.R. Rao

Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao, also known as C.R.Rao is a famous Indian born Mathematician. He was born in the year 1920. He has made immense contribution in the field of statistics and mathematics. At present he is working as professor emeritus at Penn state university. He also works as professor of research in the University of Buffalo. He is famous for his theory of estimation. He has written books on matrix algebra and its applications, linear models, linear statistical interference and others. He has got awards like Padma Vibushan, Guy medal and many more for his important contribution to Indian Mathematics.
7. Shakuntala Devi

Shakuntala Devi : She is a famous Indian born Mathematician and was born in the year 1939. In a matter of twenty eight seconds, she gave the answer for the product of two thirteen digit numbers. This gave her an opportunity to visit many overseas countries like the US where she could demonstrate her strange talent. In Dallas, she was able to compete with a computer and produced the result of cube root of 188138517 at a faster speed than the computer. She won the competition. With this remarkable feat and achievements, she is known as a human computer nowadays.
8. D. R. Kaprekar

D. R. Kaprekar : Dattataraya Ramachandra Kaprekar also popularly known as D.R. Kaprekar was an Indian mathematician born in the year 1905 at a place called Dahanu. His contributions to Indian mathematics included several categories of natural numbers involving self numbers and a number known as Kaprekar constant.
9. Satyendranath Bose

Satyendranath Bose is an Indian born mathematician. He made his contributions by collaborating with Albert Einstein. His best works included quantum mechanics during the earlier part of the year 1920. He provided the foundation for introducing theory known as Bose Einstein condensate and Bose Einsten statistics.
10. Narendra Karmarkar

Narendra Karmarkar is an Indian Mathematician, born in the year 1957. His contribution to the Indian mathematics includes development and launching of Karmakar’s algorithm. He is a well-known researcher in the field of mathematics and is recognized by the Institute for scientific information.
Today, the scenario of Indian mathematics has grown into greater heights. Several mathematicians have immensely contributed to the field of mathematics, and research is still going on endlessly.